A Technical Recruiting Must Have

13 Technical Interview Failures

... and how to fix them

"I'd love to interview tech talent like a tech pro, but how can I speak their language?" If you've ever asked that question, this ebook will help you to identify common problems and solutions to interview your candidates better.

This Free Ebook Will Help You To Learn...

  • The top 13 technical interview failures
  • How to fix them
  • Insight from expert recruiters on technical interviewing


Technical recruiting is a tough game. The interviews are not any easier. Think about it, you spend 3 weeks identiying top talent, 3 days shortlisting the 10 candidates you just spent 3 weeks uncovering down to the top 3. Then, you spend 5 days trying to get them on the phone, and when you do, you loose them in 30 minutes never getting them to move them forward in the interview process.  


Because your interview was bad and you were unable to speak their language. 

To improve, you need to understand some of the common failures. What are those, and how do you fix them? That is what this eBook is, a guide to successful technical interviewing by sharing 13 of the most common technical interviewing failures and how to fix them.